🚀 Getting started with JS


To install the SDK, use the following commands:

npm install @ditto-network/core @ditto-network/web3.js web3

Getting Started

Here’s a quick guide to get you started with the Ditto Network SDK:

Initialize SDK

import { Provider, SmartWalletFactory, BrowserStorage } from '@ditto-network/core';
import { EthersSigner, EthersContractFactory } from '@ditto-network/ethers';

const provider = new Provider({
  signer: new EthersSigner(signer),
  storage: new BrowserStorage(),
  contractFactory: new EthersContractFactory(signer),
const swFactory = new SmartWalletFactory(provider);

const sw = await swFactory.getDefaultOrCreateVault();
const vaultAddress = sw.getAddress();

console.log('Vault address:', vaultAddress);

For more detailed examples, check the examples section.


For comprehensive documentation and details on how to use the Ditto Network, please refer to the main documentation in the @ditto-network/core package.


We provide a variety of examples to help you get started with different environments: